Legal entities and regulators

“Kepler Cheuvreux” brand refers to branches and subsidiaries of Kepler Cheuvreux.

Kepler Capital Markets Inc. operates under trade name Kepler Cheuvreux North America and is a member of FINRA and SIPC.

Kepler Corporate Finance is the brand name for the corporate and investment banking division of Kepler Cheuvreux.

Kepler Cheuvreux Solutions is the brand name for the structured solutions activity of Kepler Cheuvreux.

Legal organisation of affiliates and subsidiaries are listed below.

Kepler Cheuvreux Headquarters
112 Avenue Kleber
75016 Paris
+33 1 53653500

Kepler Cheuvreux branches

Kepler Cheuvreux Amsterdam branch
Johannes Vermeerstraat 9
1071 DK Amsterdam
+31 20 573 06 66

Kepler Cheuvreux Brussels branch
Rogier Tower
Place Rogier 11
1210 Brussels, Belgium
+32 11 491460

Kepler Cheuvreux Dubai branch
Office 104, Level 1, Tower 1,
Al Fattan Currency House,
Plot No. GB02, Al Fattan Area, Emirate of Dubai
Dubai International Financial Centre, Dubai, UAE

Kepler Cheuvreux Frankfurt branch
Taunusanlage 19
60325 Frankfurt
+49 69 756960

Kepler Cheuvreux London branch
5th Floor,
95 Gresham Street,
London EC2V 7NA
+44 20 7621 5100

Kepler Cheuvreux Madrid branch
Alcala 95
28009 Madrid
+3491 4365100

Kepler Cheuvreux Milan branch
Via Cornaggia, 10
20123 Milano, Italy
+39 02 855 07 1

Kepler Cheuvreux Oslo branch
Filipstad Brygge 1
1441 Oslo
+47 23 13 9080

Kepler Cheuvreux Stockholm branch
Malmskillnadsgatan 23
105 34 Stockholm
+468 723 5100

Kepler Cheuvreux Vienna branch
Schottenring 16/2
Vienna 1010
+43 1 537 124 147

Kepler Cheuvreux subsidiaries

Kepler Cheuvreux (Suisse) SA
Avenue Perdtemps 23
1260 Nyon
+41 22361 5151

Kepler Cheuvreux (Suisse) SA, Zurich branch
Stadelhoferstrasse 22
8024 Zurich
+41 433336666

Kepler Capital Markets, Inc.*
Tower 49, 12 East 49th Street, Floor 36
New York NY 10017, USA
+1 212-710-7600

*Important Disclosure Concerning Broker Dealers in the United States


The term “KEPLER CHEUVREUX” shall, unless the context otherwise requires, mean each of Kepler Cheuvreux and its affiliates, subsidiaries and related companies (see below):

Location, Regulator (Abbreviation)

> Kepler Cheuvreux, Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF)
> Kepler Cheuvreux, Amsterdam branch, Autoriteit Financiële Markten (AFM)
> Kepler Cheuvreux, Brussels branch, Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA)
> Kepler Cheuvreux, Dubai branch, Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA) 
> Kepler Cheuvreux, Frankfurt branch, Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin)
> Kepler Cheuvreux (Suisse) SA, Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) / affiliated with mediation services of the Swiss Arbitration Center
> Kepler Cheuvreux, London branch, Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)
> Kepler Cheuvreux, Madrid branch, Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV)
> Kepler Cheuvreux, Milan branch, Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa (CONSOB)
> Kepler Cheuvreux, Oslo branch, Finanstilsynet (NFSA)
> Kepler Cheuvreux, Stockholm branch, Finansinspektionen (FI)
> Kepler Cheuvreux, Vienna branch, Austrian Financial Services Authority (FMA)
> Kepler Cheuvreux (Suisse) SA, Zurich branch, Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) / affiliated with mediation services of the Swiss Arbitration Center
> Kepler Capital Markets, Inc., Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA)

KEPLER CHEUVREUX is authorised and regulated by both Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel and Autorité des Marchés Financiers.

For further information relating to research recommendations and conflict of interest management please refer to the Legal & compliance page.