Paris, 30 January 2023
Kepler Cheuvreux announces a major new appointment to continue growing the firm and developing its activities, harnessing the group’s strengths: Jean-Pierre ANÉ as Managing Director, Deputy Group General Manager, Head of Business Development, reporting to Grégoire VARENNE, Group General Manager. In his new role, Jean-Pierre will be responsible for identifying and executing new projects aimed at generating growth in businesses in which the company already operates or those with which it is closely connected.
Previously, as Deputy Head of Kepler Cheuvreux Solutions (KCS), Jean-Pierre has been instrumental in creating and developing KCS, alongside Nicolas MIARA-GODET, Founder and Head of KCS. They both leveraged the strength and resources of the firm to make the KCS business line the leading independent European provider of structured products.
Kepler Cheuvreux’s goal, and Jean-Pierre’s new mission, is to leverage all the group’s strengths to develop new businesses and realise new synergies to reinforce the group’s growth momentum and make it stronger in the long term.
In parallel, and independent of these new responsibilities, Jean-Pierre will continue to be heavily involved in the ongoing development of Kepler Cheuvreux Solutions.
In addition to Jean-Pierre’s appointment, Kepler Cheuvreux is continuing to develop its footprint through some strategic hires for its Execution activity (KCX), with the development of its London, New York, and Milan desks. It is also growing through the ongoing development of Kepler Cheuvreux Solutions, the Fixed Income and Credit Business line, developing Distressed High Yield & Special Situations, and Credit Emerging Markets activities, and its Asset Management activities with KC Invest and Ellipsis AM.
About Jean-Pierre ANÉ
Jean-Pierre ANÉ graduated from Ecole Normale Supérieure and L’ENSAE Paris. He worked in Wealth Management Research at UBS, then at Credit Agricole CIB as an Interest Rate and Hybrid Structurer. Jean-Pierre has been working at Kepler Cheuvreux since 2010 as Head of Financial Engineering, Head of the Geneva-based Sales teams, and Deputy Head of Kepler Cheuvreux Solutions.
About Kepler Cheuvreux
Kepler Cheuvreux is a leading independent European financial services company that specialises in Research, Execution, Fixed Income and Credit, Structured Solutions, Corporate Finance, and Asset Management.
The group employs around 600 people and is present in 13 major financial centres in Europe and the US: Amsterdam, Brussels, Frankfurt, Geneva, London, Madrid, Milan, New York, Oslo, Paris, Stockholm, Vienna, and Zurich.
Group key figures:
* 1st independent European equity broker.
* €2bn of equities traded on average daily.
* 1st equity research coverage in Continental Europe.
* 1st country research (Institutional Investor 2022).
* 13 major financial centres in Europe and the US.
* 600 employees.
* 1,300 institutional clients.