In its 10th anniversary year, Kepler Cheuvreux Solutions is awarded as the 2nd best structured product provider by the French magazine “Gestion de Fortune”, and remains the 1st independent for the 6th consecutive year.
We would like to thank all our clients and partners for their trust and support.
Your contacts for France at Kepler Cheuvreux Solutions: Jeremy Sayada, Maxime Livraghi, Eric Sakoun, Emmanuelle Abbou, Edouard de Nadaillac, Nicolas Miara-Godet, Romain Turquem, Jean-Pierre Ané, Dan Lasry, Antoine Ternon, Emmanuel Kragen and Antoine Berger.
Kepler Cheuvreux Solutions is the independent European leader for research, design and commercialisation of tailor-made structured investment solutions. Being part of the Kepler Cheuvreux Group enables the business line to place Research at the heart of its offering and to benefit from the critical size of a major player in financial services in Europe. More information here.